tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Dec 15 04:13:59 2011

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] QangHom

De'vID jonpIn ([email protected])

&gt; &gt; chay&#39; {QangHom} Damugh?</p>
&gt; Absent context, I&#39;d probably translate it as &quot;Vice Chancellor&quot;. I<br>
&gt; could also see it as referring to something like Chancellor-elect.</p>
<p>I was going to say &quot;Vice Chancellor&quot;, &quot;Pro-Chancellor&quot;, or &quot;Provost&quot;, depending on context.<br><br>Of course, we only know of the &quot;political leader&quot; meaning of {Qang}, and there&#39;s no reason why the Klingon word for Chancellor should also mean &quot;head academic official&quot; as it does in English.  From Star Trek VI, it seems that the Klingon Chancellor is equivalent to the Federation President.  So, maybe {QangHom} is the head of a planet, house, {Sep}, or some political division within the Klingon Empire, rather than of the entire thing?</p>

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