tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed May 19 08:34:38 2010

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RE: Old topic

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

>I got a couple hundred messages behind. Zipping through them, I saw
>someone suggesting something about {leghlu'ghach} that was alien to
>anything I'd expect.
>First, I'd expect usage to be extremely rare, requiring special

So rare, in fact, that there are no known examples of *{-lu'ghach}.

>circumstances. Imagine that you were investigating a crime that you know
>had witnesses, but you have no means to find them. Without the witnesses,
>you can't solve the crime. The investigator reports to his superior:
>  HeSvam leghlu'ghachmo' Qu'wIj vIta'laHbe'neS.
>  Because of the indefiniteness of who saw this crime, I cannot
>  accomplish my mission, sir.

I wouldn't understand your example as you do.  If anything, *{leghlu'ghach} sounds more like "seen-ness", "visible-ness".  It sounds like he's talking about the visibility conditions at the time of the crime (e.g. heavy fog, dust storm, blizzard, etc.).  OTOH "the indefiniteness of who saw this crime" sounds to me as though there may have been a witness, but s/he can't be found because his/her identity is unknown.  (Klingon police must hate those long enveloping hooded cloaks people wear on the Homeworld!)

This might be a bad example as there are easier ways for your investigator to report his failure:

  HeSvam leghpu'mo' pagh
  because no one saw this crime

  leghwI' wIHutlhmo'
  because we lack a witness

  leghwI'pu' lutu'lu'mo'
  because there were no witnesses

  SaHmo' pagh leghwI'(pu')
  because no witnesses were present

FYI {leghlu'} in canon:

  We are seen (someone/something sees us). TKD

  pa'vo' pagh leghlu' 
  The room has no view. CK

  wa'DIch tlhIngan Dujmey luleghlu'pu'bogh rur qItI'nga' Duj ...
  Similar in configuration to the first Klingon vessels encountered... S15

Canon Master of the Klingons

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