tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon May 10 06:39:50 2010

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RE: Games

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

>>Any list of Klingon games? Or sites with instructions?

>What was that game played in the episode where the Klingon later head-
>butted Data and flew backwards? I believe there was a meeting of sorts
>with Romulans, Klingons, and the Federation aboard the Enterprise-D for
>something, I think it was "The Chase" [TNG].

You're right; that was the B'aht Qul.  According to Memory Alpha:

  "The B'aht Qul challenge was a Klingon ritual, similar to Terran arm wrestling, practiced to demonstrate physical strength. The challenge involves two opponents facing one another locking their hands together with the backs of their hands touching on a table (or another flat surface). After a [three] count, each competitor tries to push the opponent's palms on to the table. He who does so first is declared the winner. 
  "Captain Nu'Daq challenged Lieutenant Commander Data to the B'aht Qul challenge in 2369 after hearing of Data's reputation for great physical strength - Data easily won the challenge. (TNG: "The Chase")" 
( )

AFAIK Okrand hasn't provided an official spelling, but I've seen both *{baHatqul} and *{baHatghul} used.  The latter more closely reflects the actor playing Nu'Daq's pronunciation.

Canon Master of the Klingons

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