tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Mar 17 13:59:57 2010

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Jill ([email protected])

So, How can I learn more about the language code? 
These all sound so scholarly, but where does a beginner learn?


-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Michael Roney, Jr.
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 8:15 PM
To: tlhIngan Hol mailing list
Subject: sTLD

I was thinking today, that it would be interesting to have a .tlh sTLD
(Sponsored Top-Level Domain).
I have found one precedent for an sTLD being based around a language
(instead of a country): .cat

>From the wiki ".cat is a sponsored top-level domain intended to be
used to highlight the Catalan language and culture."

>From the KLI's homepage "The Klingon Language Institute is a nonprofit
501(c)3 corporation and exists to facilitate the scholarly exploration
of the Klingon language and culture."

Sounds like it might work.

Also of note from the wiki:


The .cat domain is not territorial, but applies to the whole
Catalan-speaking community, whether or not a site is based in the
PaÃsos Catalans. In order to be granted a .cat domain, one needs to
belong to the Catalan linguistic and cultural community on the
Internet. A person, organization or company is considered to belong if
already have content in Catalan published online.
have access to a special code (sometimes called ENS), issued during
special promotions or by agreements with certain institutions.
develop activities (in any language) to promote the Catalan culture
and language.
are endorsed by 3 people or 1 institution already using a .cat domain name."

This would keep random trolls from being able to create .tlh domains.
The KLI could issue permission to its members.
Since "culture" is just as important as "language", other
organizations such as KAG or TE would probably also be involved.

I figure our friend Michael Everson (are you listening?) would be a
good candidate to submit a proposal.
For those of you who don't know, he's the one responsible for creating
the tlh language code.

Can't wait to visit http://www.kli.tlh !



~Michael Roney, Jr.
Professional Klingon Translator
ïïïïïï ïïïï

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