tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Sep 26 12:26:00 2008

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Apology, and Question: Is There a Third Party Here?

Christopher Fulkerson, Ph.D. ([email protected])

Dear Mr. Peeters,

It seems I may owe you an apology.

From your remarks I wonder whether you are unaware that the reply I seemed
to get fro you was in the Klingon Language.   I notice that your letter to
me does not contain this correspondence: if you still have it, please look
at it, and you will see the reason for my remark.   However, if the
Klingon text did not come from you, then I apologize for my remark.    I
guess it is still happening that someone else is monitoring our

But it could be that I am making some other kind of stupid error(s); if
so, again, please accept my apology.

Please know however, as I said earlier, that I am not the KLI, and that
something strange seems to be happening here if you think you have reason
to believe I am.   I was not even able to sign up for it.    A specialist
is having to do it manually for me.

Best wishes,

Christopher Fulkerson


On Fri, September 26, 2008 11:13 am, Thorwald Peeters wrote:
> <citaat van="Christopher Fulkerson, Ph.D.">
>> A truly adolescent delirium of omnipotence.   Tell it to your therapist.
> I am baffled by the replies I get to a (as far as I know) valid question.
> To answer this "attack" to my persona: I do not have a therapist, and I do
> not think I would need one.
> I might be delirious, but not so far as to claim omnipotence.
> I guess I will not get a straight answer this weekend...
> Wishing you all a good night,
> --
> Thorwald Peeters

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