tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Dec 04 17:55:43 2008

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Re: A stupid translation request

nahqun ([email protected])

(Once again, this lack of a PC keeps me from formatting this corectly with everyone's comments... *sigh*)

I seem to have fallen into the bad habit of truncating my thoughts in e-mails. 

I was trying to avoid "pill" or any reference to medical treatment. Not very Klingon. In English we seem to overuse the word "pill" and references to them.

"Take a chill pill"
"Did you forget your medication?"

and so on. (or maybe the fact that I'm a pharmacutical courier has something to do with my overexposure...)

The use of a pill or anything medical to cure stupidity didn't seem to work. A replacement proverb might let someone "slip by", but this person is SO stupid or makes so many mistakes that not even a replacement proverb can help.

jatlh SuStel:

>valHa'ghachvaD qa'meH vIttlhegh tu'lu'be'

Yes, that's what I meant.

>No it wouldn't. {-ghach} only marks a word when there's no intervening 
suffix between the verb and itself.

That's what I meant too, on the naked verb.

The other suggestions and comments were very helpful, thanks for all the help (and I'll try proofreading these e-mails BEFORE I send them.)



(This e-mail was composed and sent using a phone. This phone does not support spellcheck.)

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