tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Sep 13 21:53:30 2006

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KLBC: question about position of suffixes

McArdle ([email protected])

Dear BG,
  As I understand the relevant sections of the Klingon Dictionary, if I wanted to say "my wife is a Ferengi dog" (which, by the way, she's not) it would be
  verengan Ha'DIbaH ghaH be'nalwI''e'
  If I want to expand on this and say "my first wife", I add the word wa'DIch after be'nal.  But where does it go relative to the possessive and topicalizing suffixes?  Before them, between them or after them?  Is it
  verengan Ha'DIbaH ghaH be'nalwI''e' wa'DIch   ,
  verengan Ha'DIbaH ghaH be'nalwI' wa'DIch'e'   , or
  verengan Ha'DIbaH ghaH be'nal wa'DIchwI''e'
  Or am I just totally out in left field here?
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