tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Sep 13 07:24:06 2006

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Re: Klingon WOTD: yaH (noun)

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

>This is the Klingon Word Of The Day for Wednesday, September 13, 2006.
>Klingon word:   yaH
>Part of Speech: noun
>Definition:     duty station

Used in canon:

   Qu' vu'wI' yaH
   Mission Ops (ST:Communicator)

Cf. also the compound noun {ropyaH} "infirmary" and possibly {SeHyaH}, 
meaning something like "command (post/center), operations (place)":

   HoD, yo' SeHyaH nIvvo' potlh De' wIHevtaH.
   [Captain, we are receiving a priority message from [Fleet] Operations 
Command. (ST5 notes)

Cultural notes:

   The captain ... then reverts to the ancient language form {no'
   Hol} and says, {Delaq Do'}, meaning something like "Take your
   stations", a phrase never heard in any other context. (KGT 184)

Martok used this ritual when assuming command of the BoP Rotarran in DS9 
"Soldiers of the Empire".

In KCD there's another ritual called the "challenge of station" - 
*{yaHqaD}?? - which is how one attains rank and position on a Klingon 
vessel.  You come up to one doing the job you want and begin a ritual 

   CHALLENGER:  "I will take this station now."
   CHALLENGED:  "Who are you that would take this station from me?"
   CHALLENGER:  "Who are you that you would stop me?"

Then the two of you growl at each other and fight (trying to throw your 
opponent to the floor) until one accedes and leaves his/her duty 
station.  If you succeed, the job is yours... until someone else challenges 
you for it.

N.B. Many Klingonists use {yaH} for "job (site), work (place)":  e.g. 
*{yaHwIjDaq...} "At work..."

>     yaH (verb) - be taken away

Never used in canon.

Unless it's an odd type of quality, {yaH} appears to be an inherently 
passive version of {nge'} "take away".  (Anyone know of other 
active/passive pairs of verbs like this?)

Related verbs:

   {tlhap} take; {woD} throw away

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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