tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Sep 05 15:23:53 2006

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RE: Hegh lung wamwI'

pagh ([email protected])

ja' Voragh:

Someone posted a relevant poem by Edna St. Vincent Millay on another site:

    He burned the candle at both ends,
    It did not last the night.
    But while it burned, my foes and friends,
    It gave a lovely light.

[cf. "Death of the Crocodile Hunter" thread at ]

This poem just cries out (!) to be translated into Klingon.  I don't have the time just now, but there don't seem to be any vocabulary issues (we have words for candle {weQ} and two words for the end of long objects {megh'an} and {'er'In}).  Anyone care to give it a try?


And indeed it has been done, many years ago. The list archive search doesn't appear to be working at present, so I'll post what I remember. Ivan D? translated it something like this:

cha' DaqDaq meQtaH weQwIj chu'
tugh tlheDpa' ramvam loj
'a toH peqIm jaghpu' juppu'
'IH meQtaHvIS 'ej Doj

It may not be word for word, and it's missing appropriate punctuation, but it's close. As I remember, he wasn't happy with the <chu'>, but needed a word there for rhyme and meter. A fairly significant discussion followed.


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