tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon May 08 12:57:41 2006

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Questions in tlhIngan syntax (I)

Jesse Morales ([email protected])

At 6.2.5 in the Klingon dictionary it states "They ['e' and net] are used 
primarily, though not exclusively, with verbs of thinking and observation 
(such as know and see)."

I am a little confused as to why this admissive rule does not apply to the 
third example under section 6.2.3

" qIppu'bogh yas vIlegh " I see the officer who hit him/her.

In this example I see a complex sentence consisting of actually two Klingon 

" qIppu'bogh yas " -as object
" vIlegh " -as a verb/subject construction

If this is so, why is not the object sentence connected to " vIlegh " by the 
pronoun 'e'?

I'm sure I am wrong on more then one of these points.
Can anyone help?

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