tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon May 08 07:54:51 2006

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Re: Another translation issue

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

> >rut qep'a'Daq mughwI' Qu' vIqeqpu'.  nom mu'meylIj vImughnISchugh,
> >jIjatlh: "the study of early civilizations."

> >'ej "anthropology" 'oSlaH mu' chu' <nughQeD> 'e' boHar'a'?
>pov. "anthropologist" vImugh vIneH, 'ach "anthropology" 'oSlaHchugh
>{nughQeD}, mu'tlheghHom {nughQeD HaDwI'} {nughQeD po'wI'} ghap vIlo'laHbej.
>(chaq {nughtej} vIjunnIS 'e' vIHar.)

Okrand has vetted {nughQeD} as "sociology", from {nugh} "society (group of 
people with a shared culture)":

   For my thesis {Hol Sup 'oH tlhIngan Hol'e' - wa'maH Hut tlhIngan
   Hol po'wI' nughQeD} ["Klingon as Linguistic Capital: A Sociologic
   Study of Nineteen Advanced Klingonists" I asked Marc Okrand if it
   would be right to use {nughQeD} for "sociology" and he okayed it
   and said it was just the word he would use.  [Yens Wahlgren, 1/18/05;
   cf. )

{nugh} in canon:

   Accordingly, {tlhIngan nugh} would mean "Klingon society" as
   distinguished from, say, Romulan society ...        [HQ 4.4]

{nugh} also shows up in this odd reference to {nugh tlhegh} "society line" 
(?) from the KCD novelization ("Star Trek: Klingon!"):

   "Pok has yet to complete the Second Rite of Ascension. In the
    eyes of the {nugh tlhegh} he is still a boy."  (p. unknown)

I have *{tIghQeD} "anthropology" in my notes from somewhere, from {tIgh} 
"custom" which I think means custom(s) in general rather than a single 
specific custom:

   tlhIngan tIgh
   "The Klingon Way" (TKW Klingon title)

   tlhIngan tIgh DaHaDrup'a'?
   [Marc Okrand's inscription on books/photos]

   "You outsiders see only our fierceness, our love of battle.
   You do not see the {tIgh}, the honor, that shapes our every act."
   [Gowron, KCD novelization (p.10)]

Personally, I think {nughQeD} works well for both.  (Isn't sociology the 
anthropology of modern, usually urban, groups; i.e. the anthropology of our 
own culture and subcultures?)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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