tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jan 25 04:11:33 2006

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Klingon phonotactics (was Re: Klingon at the Thanksgiving table - A month late...)

Philip Newton ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

On 1/25/06, QeS 'utlh <[email protected]> wrote:
> (Nevertheless, phonotactics have never seemed to be much of a problem
> in the past. {{:) DloraH and r'Hul's names spring to mind.)

As do the canonical (AFAIK) {janluq pIqarD HoD} and {qIrq}, which have
the otherwise-forbidden (or so I believe) syllable finals -rD and -rq.

Hm - a quick look for permissible syllable finals fails to turn them
up. As far as I know, syllables must begin with a consonant and a
vowel and may end with zero, a consonant, or one of the following
two-consonant sequences: {rgh} {w'} {y'}, and nothing else. However, I
can't find canon prescriptivism to back this up. Is this actually
specified somewhere explicitly or have I just imagined it?

(Hence I syllabify {vavoy} as {va.voy} even though it's
morphologically {vav.oy}.)
Philip Newton <[email protected]>
HovpoH 5217.53

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