tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jan 18 09:29:35 2006

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Re: cha yIghuS

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

> >Even though maybe MO did not explicitly confirm it - would you
> >accept/understand {ghuS} for loading a weapon, like a gun?

>We know that Klingons have gunpowder {ngat}:
>    The name of the granulated cartilage is {ngat}, which has
>    also come to mean "gunpowder".  (KGT 90)

Some more vocabulary:  {HIch} "handgun, gun, pistol" and {beH} 
"rifle".  Only refers to disruptors in KGT, but there's no reason to 
believe they can't be used for more primitive firearms.

> >I first thought of {chu'}, but the {chu'wI'} activates i.e. shoots the gun.
>{baH}  "fire (torpedo, rocket, missile), launch" (v.)
>{bach} "shoot" (v.)
>{bach} "shot"  (n.)

N.B. Klingons also (Sen) "use the thumb" (v.) when firing some weapons 
(i.e. they thumb the firing button):

   nISwI' HIch Sen
   fire the disruptor pistol (HQ 10.2)

This is literally "use the thumb in the way it's most appropriately used on 
a disruptor pistol", "use the thumb to activate the disruptor pistol", 
"thumb the disruptor pistol".  If the gun has a Terran-style trigger, you 
could use {SIq} "use the index finger".  See HolQeD 10.2:8 for more details 
on using the finger verbs.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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