tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jan 17 08:06:57 2006

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Re: cha yIghuS

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

Quvar wrote:
>I have a canon example:
>   cha yIghuS.
>   Get the torpedoes ready to be fired [TKD]
>and a verb:
>   ghuS v. be prepared, ready (to launch)
>when I see the verb, I'd think I need to say {cha yIghuSmoH}.
>Or is the first example maybe clipped klingon?? any comments?

You're right:  Based just on the gloss in TKD you would expect *{cha 
yIghuSmoH}, like other qualities which become transitive verbs with the 
addition of {-moH}.  For reference, here are the other uses in canon:

   cha yIghuS
   [Tactical], stand by on torpedoes! STMP

   cha yIghuS.  So'Ha'!
   [Arm torpedoes! Uncloak! (untranslated)] ST3

   cha yIghuS
   Stand by on torpedoes! CK

   yISo'Ha'rup, yIghuS!
   Stand by to de-cloak for firing. ST5

Okrand discusses this verb in KGT:

   There is, it should be noted, a verb {ghuS} which means "to be
   prepared to launch or project (something)". This verb never takes
   the subject {-rup}. It is used primarily in reference to torpedoes
   --so much so that if the object is not specifically stated, and
   context does not dictate otherwise, it is always assumed to be
   "torpedoes". According, both of the following sentences mean "Be
   prepared to launch torpedoes!" or "Stand by on torpedoes!": {cha
   yIghuS, yIghuS}. The verb {ghuS} can also be used in reference to,
   among other things, rockets, missiles,and various kinds of energy
   beams (which, like torpedoes, go from one point to another). It
   is also used to describe the action of pulling back the elastic
   band of a slingshot. In most other instances of preparedness,
   however, {-rup} is required.  [TKD 36f.]

The answer to your question is that {ghuS} derives from an older, clearly 
transitive, meaning:

   It may have been noticed that some of the terminology associated
   with spears is identical to that associated with modern weaponry,
   and certainly the vocabulary of spear-throwing was adapted for the
   newer technology. ... The verb {ghuS} means both "lower (a spear)
   to a horizontal position in preparation for throwing" and "prepare
   to launch (a torpedo)".  [KGT 65]

Note his revised gloss - "prepare to launch (a torpedo)" - which makes the 
meaning a bit clearer.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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