tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jan 11 15:06:21 2006

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Re: qepHom le' - This Sunday at 11 a.m.

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

At 04:24 PM Wednesday 1/11/2006, Lawrence wrote:

>Join us, as we ponder the Klingon word for "schlep."

That's easy:  {qeng} "carry, convey".

The schleppers would be your {tepqengwI'pu'}!  (Of course, {tepqengwI'} is 
glossed as "cargo carrier" in TKD I believe, but on the BoP Poster there 
was another {tepqengwI'} labeled "cargo lift" on the cargo deck {tep 
choQ}.  It looked like a sort of crane, though maybe it was a tractor beam 
emitter for moving boxes and other containers {ngaSwI'mey} around).  You 
can all gripe about how the KLI should have provided a {tep jolpat} "cargo 
transporter", and if someone should trip, you've got a ready-made pun about 
the {lu qeng} "The Fall of Kang"!  <g>

If you want, you could also ponder whether you're all schlepping {tep} 
"cargo, goods" or {luch} "equipment, gear" or just plain {'aH} "paraphernalia".

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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