tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Dec 29 08:14:11 2006

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Re: "rule reversal"?

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

> >>I somehow reversed those two rules in my head.  New question -- how to say
> >>"I reversed those two rules."  ?  :)

> >    cha' chutHomvetlh vIyoymoHpu'
> >    "I've inverted those two rules"
> >
> > using {chut} "law" + {-Hom} and the verb {yoy} "be upside down" + {-moH},
> > which is as close as we have AFAIK.

lay'tel SIvten:
>The meaning of the original is that the two rules were swapped, each one
>substituted for the other.  I don't think inversion carries that meaning very
>well.  Inversion sounds rather like each rule was somehow inverted, e.g., by
>switching the premise and conclusion of the rule.
>This is switching, too, but the switching here takes place within the rule,
>so inverting still applies here, but not in the larger original case.
>I think the word {tam} (exchange, substitute) works much better here:
>        cha' chutHomvetlh vItampu'
>        "I've exchanged those two rules"

I think you're right.  {tam} does work better here, particularly in light 
of how Okrand uses it in both Klingon and English:

   boq lucherDI' tlhIngan wo' romuluS Hov wo' je So'wI' cham Suqpu'
   tlhIngan wo'.  chaq tampu'.  chaq romuluSnganpu'vaD pIvghor cham
   lunobpu' tlhInganpu'.
   Cloaking technology was gained through an alliance with the Romulan
   Star Empire, possibly in exchange for Warp Drive technology. S33

   Mispronunciation may turn dangerous, on the other hand, if one
   Klingon sound is substituted for another. (KGT 188)

   By the same token, literally translating a sentence such as
   "The restaurant changed hands" into Klingon, presumably as
   {ghopDu' choHpu' Qe'} ("The restaurant has altered hands") or
   perhaps {ghopDu' tampu' Qe'} ("The restaurant has exchanged
   hands"), does not tell the Klingon that the restaurant is now
   under new ownership, which is what the Federation Standard
   phrase really means. (KGT 106-7)

   An altered form of this expression substitutes {bo'DaghHom}
   ("little scoop") for {bo'Dagh'a'} ("big scoop"). (KGT 125)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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