tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Dec 26 13:11:01 2006

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Re: DochHa'taHghach (was: Re: QISmaS)

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

jI'qel ghojwI' wrote:
>jatlh vay': <belmoH mu'mey DajatlhlaHbe' vaj pagh yIjatlh.>

A minor point:  The verb {bel} needs to be linked to the verb {jatlh} in 
the same clause.  Use a relative clause: {belmoHbogh mu'mey} "pleasing 
words, words which please (someone)"

   belmoHbogh mu'mey DajatlhlaHbe'...
For a somewhat more Klingon feel (IMHO), actually add the noun {vay'} 
"someone" as an object.  But if you do, remember to change the prefix on 

   vay' lubelmoHbogh mu'mey'e' DajatlhlaHbe'...

It's also considered good style - though not grammatically required - to 
tag the topic of a complex relative clause with {-'e'} to show which noun 
you're focusing on:  the subject (the pleasing words) or the object (the 
person pleased by those words).

All of which is probably moot.  "If you can't say something nice about 
someone, don't say anything at all" is a VERY un-Klingon sentiment!  Or as 
a Klingon might say on it, {Human Soj 'oH} "It's a human thing" (literally, 
"It is human food" using {Soj} "food" in its idiomatic sense of "matter, 
concern, affair").

Other than that, I think your Klingon is pretty good.  Not perfect, but 
getting there.


Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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