tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 20 14:49:03 2006

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Re: tlhach mu'mey: HolQeD...

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

> > *{HolHom} is widely used on this List for "dialect", implying *{Hol'a'}
> > "Ursprache, parent language" (e.g. Indo-European, Proto-Semitic).

lay'tel SIvten:
>Not necessarily.  It sounds more like "language family" to me.

I found that I made up one for that too which I forgot to post:

   *{Holghom} "language family, group of (related) languages"

I was going for the idea that *{Hol'a'} would be "bigger, more important, 
or more powerful than it would be without the suffix" (TKD 21).  Still, 
it's a good example of why we can't just make up and use our own terms 
without glossing them in English.  There's no guarantee that two people 
will understand them the same way (however logical and obvious they may 
seem to the coiner).

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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