tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 20 13:18:12 2006

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tlhach mu'mey: HolQeD...

...Paul ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

pIjHa' tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhmeH meq vIghaj.  tlhIngan Hol wIja'chuq 
vIneHtaHvIS, jIHvAD Qatlh, mu'mey lugh vISovbe'mo'.  /sentence/ Del 
mu'tlhegh 'e' vISov, 'ach /subject/ /object/ ghap Del nuq?

/wiki/Daq HolQeD tlhach mu'mey tetlh wIchennISmoH.  ghomvamDaq 

Rarely do I have a reason to speak in Klingon.  When I want to discuss the 
language, it's difficult for me because I don't know the correct words.  I 
know /mu'tlhegh/ describes a sentence, but what describes subjects or 

We need to create a list of linguistics jargon on the wiki.  We can 
discuss it here...

I was able to find these in the dictionary...

word -> mu'
sentence -> mu'tlhegh
vocabulary -> mu'tay'
noun -> DIp
verb -> wot
chuvmey -> pronouns, adverbs, etc.
prefix -> moHaq
suffix -> mojaQ
grammar -> pab

But how about:

subject -> ?
predicate -> ?
object -> ?
indirect object -> ?
adjective -> ?
letter -> ?

I can come up with a few phrases on my own that might convey some of 
these, like perhaps /Delbogh wot'e'/ "verb which describes" for 
"adjective", but I don't want to come off authoritarian (maybe the 
concensus is that /Delbogh mu''e'/ is better, or maybe something 
completely off the wall, like /laH wot/ "verb of ability"...  It would be 
useful, I think, to aggregate the phrases we think best represent these 
grammatical concepts and put them somewhere referencable, so we can 
discuss the language IN the language and (hopefully) be somewhat 
consistent about it...

For an idea of context, I'm thinking about things like how would you 

tera'ngan HoH SuvwI'

/SuvwI'/ is the subject, /HoH/ is the verb, /tera'ngan/ is the object. Klingon?


          ** ...Paul, [email protected], Insane Engineer **
   ** Visit Project Galactic Guide **
            If it's not the same, it should be different.

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