tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Sep 17 18:17:09 2004

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RE: just use it! (Re: jIb

jcowan ([email protected])

From: ngabwI'

> the "experts" that you are studying really have no special
> insight into words, vocabulary, usage, etc. You have just as much 

From: lay'tel SIvten

> They have heard or 
> invented ways to say things that are not well known otherwise, and
certainly are 
> not part of canon.

I was thinking about how much this was like building your own lexicon or
dictionary.  There is so much benefit in doing it yourself that cannot
be gained through getting someone else's finished project.  Yeah, it's a
lot harder, but you get out what you put into it.  Sure you can take
some short cuts, but there's so much more to gain by taking the long
route.  It's not like no one has done it before - it's a well worn path.
And then it occurred to me...  Someone new on the well-worn-path still
has a chance to notice something new.  Perhaps if we give you the
answers we will miss some revelation that you would have discovered.  As
you begin to use the language more and try things that may or may not
work, perhaps you will teach the experts something.  I think you are at
a point in the language where you do a disservice to yourself and your
fellow Klingon speakers when you ask in English how to say something in


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