tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Mar 30 05:06:05 2004

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Re: -Daq, subject, object

QeS lagh ([email protected])

ghItlhpu' Dar'Qang:

>In the sentence:
>lojmItDaq puqbe'wI' vIlegh.
>Is there a standard, or default interpretation as to who would be at the 

Nope. :) You've stumbled onto the "elephant I shot in my pajamas" problem 
that has been dealt with in HolQeD (I don't recall which issue) by Dr 
Okrand, and also recently on the list when I tried to translate the Groucho 
Marx joke

"Yesterday I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas I'll 
never know."

into Klingon. It comes out something like

{wa'Hu' nIvnavwIjDaq mIl'oD vIHoHta'. qatlh nIvnavwIj tuQ? jISovbe'.}

While I doubt Groucho Marx ever clapped eyes on a sabre bear :D, the 
sentence is ambiguous in exactly the same way as the English is ambiguous. 
Either "I saw my daughter while *she* was at the door" or "I saw my daughter 
while *I* was at the door" is acceptable as an interpretation, and only 
context can answer your question.

If you're looking for a sentence yourself, maybe try {lojmIt veghDI' 
puqbe'wI' vIlegh}.


QeS lagh

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