tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Mar 26 04:52:31 2004

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HolQeD veb

Lawrence M. Schoen ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

The 49th issue of HolQeD went to the printer earlier in the week. I'm away
all weekend at I-Con (and hope to see some of you there), but I'll be
picking the new issue up on Monday and stuffing envelopes all night. The
domestic mailing should be on its way by late Tuesday.

This issue contains the fourth installment of the FRASIER winners' new
information from Maltz, but instead of new vocabulary we are treated to
several syntactic constructions in great detail.

All of which is my less than subtle sales pitch to remind you to renew your
membership if you haven't already done so.

Or if you're reading this discussion list and are not yet a KLI member, now
would be an excellent time to join.

Or for that matter, sign up a friend, relative, co-worker, or former lover
(I mention "former" because surely your current bang is already a KLI

Think of this weekend as Membership Weekend.

Visit the KLI's Merchant page </stuff/Merchant.html> and
we promise to make it as painless as possible.


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