tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Mar 25 09:04:40 2004

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vItlhob, be'pu'!

Teresh000 ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

I am looking for one of the women on this list who would be willing to
help me with a project.  I am making an animated movie to go with
the {Hov leng} title sequence I made recently (you can find it at 
I'd like the helmsperson to be female, so I'm hoping one of you on
the list would be willing to record some lines for me.  The part isn't
very large, only a few lines, really, but the whole movie isn't that
long, and this is a crucial part.  You'd get recognition in the credits,
which probably gives you coolness points of some sort.

If your computer has a microphone and any sort of recording software
(including the Recorder built into Windows), then you have all you
need from the technical side. If interested, e-mail me privately at

Thanks in advance,


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