tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Mar 18 00:11:45 2004

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Flexibility of law'/puS (was Re: SeQpIr pupqa'moHghach)

QeS lagh ([email protected])

ghItlhpu' SIvten:

>QeS lagh: what does this mean?  it looks to me like it has two verbs next 
>to each other: nI' and tIn, then nI' and mach.

That's exactly right. :P This is intended to be a {law'}/{puS} construction; 
in the same vein as {tlhIngan yoH SuD verengan yoH Doq} "the Klingon is 
braver than the Ferengi", I've replaced {law'} with {tIn}, and {puS} with 

<Hamlet> <<paghmo' tIn mIS>> <Othello> je nI' tIn <<tuj poH ram wanI' 
najlu'>> nI' mach.
"Hamlet, Othello and Much Ado About Nothing are lengthier than A Midsummer 
Night's Dream".

Perhaps I shouldn't be so creative yet... {{:S But if I understand KGT 
correctly, it's possible to substitute many other pairs for the {law'}/{puS} 
in the construction. SuStel's suggestion of {SuD}/{Doq} is one such 
substitution. This is what I've done. I chose {tIn} and {mach} for two 

1) to add a nuance of size to the construct; not "be more" versus "be 
fewer", but "be big" versus "be small".
2) more simply, because they weren't so different from {law'} and {puS}.


QeS lagh

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