tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Mar 10 17:58:37 2004

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Re: unanalyzable words in tkd

Shamammd ([email protected])

In a message dated 3/10/2004 7:07:41 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
[email protected] writes:
mayajHa'chuqmo' nov wamwI' jIH je, jItlhIjqu'.
It was a misunderstanding, and I apologize.  Based on his
previous posts I thought he would understand my explanation
that I haven't used Urdu in years and wanted to practise,
which I wrote only in tlhIngan Hol.  In retrospect I should
have included an explanation in English.

reH latlh qabDaq qul tuj law' Hoch tuj puS.  (This is an
expression meaning, "I'm sorry, I goofed.")

qon De'vID

wow! <reH latlh qabDaq qul tuj law' Hoch tuj puS> one of my favorites, just 
too long. heheheh  he doesn't have pojwI' and even though i do, i 
misinterpreted what you said as well, so my bad too.  HIvqa' veqlargh. and he tells me to 
leave the pojwI' alone. HA! yeah right! LOL also since i only wrote a little in 
urdu each time, i thought it would be ok. i realise that, as another person 
pointed out, we are supposed to write in english or tlhIngan Hol and i had not 
told steve about this rule, so he kind of freaked. again, my bad. like i said, 
since it was just a setence here and there, i didn't think it would be a 
problem, but i can see now why it is best not to do that. really sorry about the 
misunderstanding. kiun means why, BTW. also it could be written kyun but i dont 
like it. hehehe. i was just trying to get him to post in tlhIngan Hol, so i 
was giving him a hard time. just in fun. :) 
bIjatlhnISchugh, tlhIngan Hol yIjatlh!
HovpoH 701271.9
Stardate 4191.8

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