tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Mar 03 06:47:23 2004

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Re: <<roD Huch Hutlh cha'maH ben ghojwI' je>>

QeS lagh ([email protected])

>(BTW: <<DaH vIyaj>> bIjatlh DaneHbe' 'e' vIHar.
>I don't think you meant to say "Now understand this!" :P)

Hoch QaghwIjvaD qa'meH vIttlhegh vIlo'chugh, qa'meH vIttlhegh neH vIjatlh, 
qar'a'?? :D

jang quljIb:
>ghobe'. tlhIngan Holvo' DIvI' HolDaq DamughDI', rap <<DaH vIyaj>> "Now I 
>understand it!" je.  "Now understand this!" vIjatlhmeH tlhIngan Hol vIlo' 
>vIneHchuch, <<DaH 'e'vam yIyaj!>>

HIvqa'qu' veqlargh! jabbI'IDlIj wa'DIchDaq, <<DaH yIyaj>> Dajatlhbejpu', 'ej 
DIvI' Hol lo'lu'chugh, "Now understand it/this!" 'oSbejqu' <<DaH yIyaj>>. 
(jabbI'IDvetlhDaq <<DaH vIyaj>> Dajatlhbe'pu'). 'ach DaH QaghwIj'e' 'oH. :S 
qamISmoHpu'chugh, jItlhIj.

quvlIj vItIchbe' 'e' vItul.

jIjatlh vIneH:
<<DaH yIyaj>> bIjatlh DaneHbe' 'e' vIHar.

I'll point out something here that I myself have done often in the past: the 
suffixes <<-Daq>> and <<-vo'>> are entirely spatial in meaning (in your 
sentence <<tlhIngan Holvo' DIvI' HolDaq DamughDI'>>). It's therefore 
impossible to say something like *<<cha' jarDaq>> to mean "in two years". 
It's an easy mistake to make, and I still do it fairly often. (However, it 
is possible to say {mu'tlheghvamDaq} "in this sentence" and {jabbI'IDwIjDaq} 
"in my message". I think this is because, when written, the suffixes *do* 
have spatial reference. This can get a bit confusing, too.)

I'd suggest something like <<tlhIngan Hol mughmeH DIvI' Hol Dalo'DI'>> "when 
you use English to translate Klingon" instead.


QeS lagh

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