tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Aug 26 12:58:33 2004

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What do we know about the Klingon calendar?

Steven Boozer ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

>According to Power Klingon, QI'lop occurs in the tenth Klingon month -
>terrans would logically call this October. ;)

This gives us another datum for understanding the Klingon calendar 
{'ISjaH}.  To summarize what little we know:

   1) QI'lop, the holiday honoring the Klingon military, occurs in the 
tenth Klingon month (PK)

-> There are at least 10 Klingon months.

   2) Alexander was born on the 43rd day of Maktag (TNG "New Ground")

-> Some, if not all, Klingon months have at least 43 days.

   3) Worf said that the IKV Rotarran's mission began on the 53rd day of 
the year of Kahless 999 (DS9 "Soldiers of the Empire")

-> The Klingon year is a little more than one and a half times longer than 
the Terran year -- if we use a commonly heard assertion that Kahless lived 
some 1500 years before TOS, i.e. the mid-23rd century.  (Anyone remember 
where this figure comes from?)

If however the Klingon year is roughly the same length as ours, then the 
"era of Kahless" began about 585 years after Kahless himself for some 
reason.  (DSN's war with the Dominion occurs about 85 years after TOS.)  Of 
course, and this is always a consideration, the writers goofed up the date.

Do we know of any more Klingon dates or time periods?

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

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