tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Aug 21 17:37:24 2004

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Re: {qon} vs {gher}

QeS lagh ([email protected])

ghItlhpu' ngabwI':

>So I'm not going to tell Krankor and Angieska that their usage of {ghov} is
>incorrect, because I cannot say that it is. But until we're told otherwise,
>*I* *personally* will not use it this way.

SuStel qeS Dun tIn Hoch qeS vIHevpu'bogh Dun mach. mawIvmeH tlhoy tlhIngan 
Hol'e' latlh vuDmey wIlo'be'nIS; rut nIteb maQubnISqu'. wIvpu' Qanqor 'ISqu' 
je; bIwIvpu' je. (wa' DoS wIqIp SoH jIH je. 'ach wIvchu'be'pu' Marc Okrand 
reH 'e' vIqaw.)
SuStel's advice was the single best piece of advice I ever received 
concerning Klingon. To make our choices, we need to not depend too much on 
the opinions of others. Sometimes, we must think on our own. Krankor and 
Agnieszka have made their decisions; you've made yours. (BTW: I tend to 
agree with you. But like you said, MO hasn't explained this one too much.)

wIyajnISlu' neH. latlh mIw DamaSbogh Dalo'taHvIS nuyajlaHchugh vay', Dun.
It all comes down to being understood. If we can be understood by using 
another method that we like better (for instance, I personally dislike using 
{vaj} as a "conjunction"), then that's great.

vaj Dunqu' Holmaj: DuHmey law' DIwIvlaHqu'.
This is why Klingon is so great: we CAN choose from many possibilities.


QeS lagh

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