tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Aug 20 02:22:12 2004

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Mailing list search function // WIKI commands

christoph.pichlmann ([email protected])

(I tried to send it before, but apparently my other eMail address isn't
allowed to. The mail didn't show up, so I sent it again. Sorry if


QapQo' nejlu'wI'. qatlh?
ghorgh Qapqa'?
Qap 'oH jIH=21

The search(function) refuses to work. (doesn't work) Why?
When will it work again?
I need it. (would =22=2AvI'oHnIS=2A=22 work? =22I need it to be=22)


taQ =2AKLI WIKI=2A ra'wI'mey' jay'. lo' =2ABBCode tags=2A, vIchup.

The KLI Wiki commands are =2Adamn=2A weird. I suggest using the BBCode tags


In other(better) words:

1) The search function doesn't work. Why isn't it fixed? I needed to
look something up, but I can't find it without it.

The Wiki tags(commands?) are weird and quite hard to use - I had to
recast them five times when I wrote a  short article.
Couldn't we use the (more or less) wide-spread BBCode tags instead?
i.e. =22=5Bi=5Ditalic text=5B/i=5D=22 - it s easy to use(being a reformatte=
and used on most message boards, so there won't be much problems with
A WIKI should be something that s easy - right?

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