tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Aug 08 18:52:02 2004

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New animated movie

Teresh000 ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

I am seeking two voice actors to do some lines for my latest animated
movie.  If you have MS Sound Recorder on your PC, you have every-thing you 
need.  You can just record your lines and e-mail them to me.
There are parts for two male voices at the moment. One has several
lines, the other is somewhat shorter.  The shorter part actually plays
two different people, a Klingon and Mr. Lurry, Stationmaster of the
K-7 from "The Trouble With Tribbles", so you'd have to be able to
recite the klingon text in two distinct voices (megapoints if you think
you can actually imitate Lurry from TWT!)

If interested, let me know. I'll send you your part of the script
and instructions on making your recording.  If you haven't seen my
previous effort, check out:

Thanks in advance.

-- ter'eS

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