tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Aug 05 22:21:26 2004

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Re: nughI'

aranders ([email protected])

ja' Philip Newton <[email protected]>:
>Do we have canon for this? (I expect not - so "maSovchu'be'"...)

This is one of the very few times we have had the good fortune to pin 
down the meaning of a word precisely.  At qep'a' wejDIch, we literally got 
the word straight from Marc Okrand's mouth.  He verified the 
pronunciation, spelling, and usage for us.  {qanughI'} is perfectly correct 
for "I give you a noogie."  {nunughI'} is a valid word.

I don't remember whether the explanation itself was captured on tape or 
not, but I'm pretty sure I have a video of the actual noogie which prompted 

It's obviously a borrowed term.  Okrand expressed uncertainty about 
whether the Klingon word was borrowed from English, or whether it was 
the other way around. :-)

-- [puvlI'bogh] ghunchu'wI'

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