tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Oct 21 09:32:59 2003

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Re: (KLBC) Is this right?

Steven Boozer ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

> > {rut tuvtaHghach 'oH nuH'e' vaQ law' yan vaQ puS.}
> > Sometimes patience is a more effective weapon than the sword.

>The sentence seems a little clunky... you could try a -meH clause with the
>law'/puS, and piggyback {QamvIS Hegh qaq law', torvIS yIn qaq puS} (TKW, p95)
>   {ghobmeH, rut tuvtaHghach qaq law', yan qaq puS.}
>   "For waging war, sometimes patience is preferable to the sword."

ngabwI' is right, but better examples of this are:

   tlhutlhmeH HIq ngeb qaq law' bIQ qaq puS
   Drinking fake ale is better than drinking water. TKW

   jonlu'meH wo'maj pop tIn law' Hoch tIn puS
   Our Empire's highest bounty has been placed on his head. (ST5 notes)

>(Not so sure about the {rut}'s position in there, but it seems fine when I
>read it.)

I'm not sure that the difference is that important:

   ghobmeH, rut tuvtaHghach qaq law', yan qaq puS.
   "For waging war, sometimes patience is preferable to the sword."

   rut ghobmeH, tuvtaHghach qaq law', yan qaq puS.
   "Sometimes in waging war, patience is preferable to the sword."

AFAIK we don't have any examples of an adverbial used together with a 
subordinate {-meH} clause in a comparison, though there are examples of 
each used separately.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

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