tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jul 23 15:36:11 2003

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Re: Duytvoqtah - hui wat fuern tach!

Am 23.07.2003 19:42:16, schrieb [email protected]:

>Just as an aside: my Russian poetry teacher used to say that the Russians
>considered it to be a "lazy rhyme" (and hence inferior) to make
>a rhyme using the same ending from the same part of speech.

You're completely right, I also try to avoid this, especially in Klingon where you can put {-taH} on 
any verb to make it rhyme.

>I would avoid rhyming {-taH} with {-taH}. How about
> yabDaq reH SaH.

Okay, but now we're too far away from the original "time is a product of our mind". Are we not?

Maybe I should also tell you the rhyming scheme, because it's not just these two sentences following 
each other.
They sing altogther
   Duj tIvoqtaH,
   Duj tIvoqtaH,
   Duj tIvoqtaH,
and then, the main voice says
   yabmoooo -- taH poH!

  ghojwI'pu'lI' tISaH.

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