tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jul 22 11:29:20 2003

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Re: Klingon WOTD: wey (n)

>Klingon word:   wey
>Part of Speech: noun
>Definition:     company, military unit
>Additional Notes:
>KGT p. 50.  A ship's full complement of personnel, crew plus officers, is 
>called a {wey}, perhaps best translated as "company."

KGT continues:

"The general word for officer (in addition to the specific term for various 
ranks) is {yaS}. An individual crew member is a {beq}. ({QaS} [troops] 
applies to nonofficers whether or not assigned to a ship.)" (KGT 50)

"a doctor is always part of a ship's crew..."  (KGT 151)]

As used in canon:

   wey jolpat: wa' (jav ghotpu')
   Personnel Transporter - 1 (6 Man)  KBoP

Note also the collective noun {beq} "crew, (ship's) company, a force" which 
appears in

   "{pu'beq} ('phaser crew', the crew members responsible for the operation 
of the weapons)." (KGT 56)

   defense force

     tlhIngan Hubbeq
     The Klingon Defense Force

   beq may' ta vIlajpu'
   I have accepted the crew's record of battle. KGT

How this differs from {wey} is unclear.  Could {beq} refer to the enlisted 
crew only; if so, how is this different from {QaS}?  Or is {beq} everyone 
on board a ship other than the captain (which would explain the KGT example)?

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

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