tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jul 16 12:11:10 2003

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Re: Klingon and copyright

> Why not? Because they wouldn't know it was there, so they 
> wouldn't know to go look at it. 
  This is true; any web search with the word "Klingon" in it already
shows the KLI...Not much more chance of extra exposure unless you went
the iFilm or "Exposure" route with a short film..
> Of course, if we had a short film of a scene from HAMLET or some 
> such to greet them when they arrived, that would be better still. 
> But the trick is getting them here.
  If I may suggest the conversation between Hamlet and Guildenstern (Act
3, scene 2), where he compares himself to a recorder. ("Why, look you
now, how unworthy a thing you make of me! You would play upon me; you
would seem to know my stops...") }}}:-)
> What you propose requires even more effort on Paramount's part, and
that just ain't 
> going to happen.
 *ponders* Poit!

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