tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jul 15 11:36:54 2003

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Re: Is the language too bound for its own good?

> It could be  done in pieces by people all over the world (one to
animate the 
> backgrounds, one for each character, one to do the music, actors from
all over
> recording their part and e-mailing it in...). 
   I agree that this type of piece-mealing would be very advantageous, so
long as the collective vision and end product were understood to all
parties. It'd be cheap, and easy, given current technology. If everyone
did their part, the only difficult role would be editing the finished
piece. I think that's a good idea. 

>  If it was done by fans and available for download and not for sale, I
think you'd 
> avoid most copyright issues.
  If my understanding on copyright law is correct, then this is true. If
(again, emphasizing the "if") I'm right about this, then it would also be
possible to sell dvd's or videos of the collection, so long as no profit
was made (unless my understanding of copyright law hasn't kept up with
the law itself..i don't watch the news much. lol)


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