tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jul 15 07:36:36 2003

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RE: Klingon - Terminology Databases (IMHO)

On Mon, 14 Jul 2003, DloraH wrote:

ja' DloraH:
> But some of them do have enough time to make really good looking uniforms
> and foreheads.  You can learn klingon WHILE you work and play.  You can't
> make a uniform WHILE doing something else.

I think that's bad advice to give to someone. You shouldn't learn a 
language while doing something else. You should give your full attention 
to the task at hand. The brain will not retain anywhere near the same 
information is you split it's concentration up, and for those that make 
their own costumes and aren't that good at sewing they have to completely 
focus on that task. Learning a language should have time devoted to it. 
Time where the brain is not distracted by other things. If you could learn 
a language while doing other things I would be fluent by now :)

> cha' yaH vIghaj.  jISaw.  puq(pu') vIghaj.  'ej latlh Qu' Quj je vIta'.
> 'ach ngoD vIchIDnIS... tach vIghoSQo', jIchechQo'.
> ...'ej HIp QaQ vIghaj.

HIja', yIyaj. wa' yaH vIghaj 'ej juHwIj vIpawDI' jISopnIS 'ej jIleS 'ej 
tlhIngan Hol vIHaD 'e' vInID 'ach pIj jIDoy'qu' 'ej vIHaDbe' 
vIbuSlaHbe'mo'. QatlhlaHqu' 'ej tachDaq jIjaHbe' 'ej qen "smoking" vImev.

> Hmm, sounds like Qov's section of HolQeD.

The problem there is that they can't afford HolQeD or don't understand 95% 
of it. If you compiled all of Qov's lessons into one book, then it would 
be useful to a beginner. The big problem with anyone starting a task like 
this is confidence. Beginners lack it in spades and because of that don't 
think that HolQeD, this list or the KLI is for them. Many people out in 
Fandom think the KLI is an extremist group who rules with an iron fist and 
holds the sacred mace of tlhIngan Hol canon. It's sad but true

> What was the title of that class I gave at Dover last year?...
> "Klingon; for those that don't want to learn Klingon."

Yup, and I loved it :) I'm still giving out the little cards with Klingon 
phrases on it. People have come back and asked me for more in the past. 

> I love Qov's article a couple HolQeD ago.  If you speak in third-person,
> klingon can be quite simple.  Pick a verb.  Pick a noun.  Put them together.

Thats how I started, it's fun but get frustrating really quickly.


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