tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jul 14 08:23:55 2003

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Re: /rI'/ (was Re: Kash jIH.)

>Besides, "storm," when applied to a military term, is slang 

Actually, it's not "slang" at all, it's merely metaphorical. Figurative language (metaphor, simile, allegory) is a very common phenomenon, particularly in matters of battle.

Now, it could be argued that Klingons might not be inclined to use the same metaphors as English speakers, and I'd generally agree. And yet, for pure destructive force, nothing beats nature. The extremes of the natural world, be they torrential storms or conflagration of fire, are just too easy to latch onto for a powerful verbal image.

Though, I acknowledge, this is merely my opinion and perspective.


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