tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jul 13 08:53:06 2003

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re: Is the language too bound for its own good.

I speak with no authority here, since although I am passionate about 
tlhIngan Hol my linguistic skills are very poor. I suggest however that this 
is an issue of ownership. Paramount "own" the warrior tongue as far as I am 
aware, and for better or worse, if I want to improve my use of the language 
I am relying on Paramount as a primary source. I can't see anything wrong 
with taking the language as you understand it and running with it except 
that newcomers will be further confused by differences in usage. I guess 
thats no different to regional dialect or social variation in English. My 
only concern is that if tlhingan Hol speakers start making up "canon" of 
their own they may incur the wrath of Paramounts legal department, which in 
turn could lead to trouble for all tlhingan Hol speakers. They've allready 
had a run of books pulped over a trademark misunderstanding. I'de rather not 
have similar things happening to the KLI. Unless you want to fight Paramount 
over the ownership of the language, in which case you'll find me just as 
Klingon as you. reH nuHmey tu'lu'.

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