tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jul 10 16:10:36 2003

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Re: /rI'/ (was Re: Kash jIH.)

> In my humble opinion, it wouldn't make sense to have a Klingon word 
> based off of OUR military term.  Klingons wouldn't know what to make 
> of the term used in that way...

this probably won't be a very popular position, but I strongly disagree.
while there are few galactic constants, bad weather is one of them. heck,
Qo'noS itself only gets sunshine for less than a week per year. and the
general use of terms with the gloss 'storm' mean a violent natural
atmospheric and/or spatial disturbance. it is entirely possible that if
you were to use such as a military term (in a metaphorical construct,
such as "we overran romuluS like a storm"), it would be entirely
understood, especially with the average Klingon warrior being one who
also appreciates poetry and/or opera.

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