tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jul 09 07:45:14 2003

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Re: /rI'/ (was Re: Kash jIH.)

ghItlh DloraH:
>>If we used "storm" the way it's used in Star Trek, it would be 
>>a weather term, like it's suppose to be.  ST is always 
>>mentioning different kinds of storms, but never talks about
>>klingons storming the castle.

ghItlh voragh:
>I always assumed {jev} was a weather term since in ST3 - the 
>movie Okrand created the language for - the Genesis Planet is 
>wracked with storms, rain and snow.  He created several weather 
>and geography terms in case he needed to use them at the last
>minute.  But since Klingons don't talk much about the weather,
>we never heard them on screen. <g>

This is all well and good (and possibly even true), but it misses the essential point of Krankor's argument: interpret ambiguous terms from a Klingon perspective. Now, of course there is more than one aspects to the Klingon view, but a major facet is war. As you've pointed out, Klingons don't talk much about the weather (perhaps because they can't do much about it, or maybe because rain reminds them of bathing <g>), but they DO talk about war. 

Thus, it makes perfect sense, in the absence of any examples, to interpret <<jev>> to be a military term rather than a meteorlogical one. 



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