tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jul 07 14:49:06 2003

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Re: {Quj, SuD, reH je}

ngabwI' wrote:
>Someone once explained to me the difference between {Quj} and {SuD}:
>You {Quj} chess, but you {SuD} poker.

Not exactly.  {Quj} is "play a game" and is apparently transitive (the 
object being the name of the game):

   DaH ghew yIQuj
   Cricket, please. (Radio Times book)
   (lit. "Play 'bug' now!")

(Don't be confused by the homophonous noun {Quj} "game".)

{SuD} "gamble, take a chance), take a risk" seems to be intransitive:

   Will you take that chance? ST6
   (Are you willing to take that chance? [novel])

   HaDlu'meH, QuSlu'meH, SuDlu'meH lojmIt Da logh Hop Hut tengchaH.
   vaj loghDaq lenglaHtaH Humanpu'
   space station Deep Space Nine is the gateway for the exploration, intrigue
   and enterprise that mark the continuation of the human adventure into 
space... DS99

KLI members have sometimes used {SuD} for "bet", as in a game of poker 
*{poQ'ar} - this is the KLI's spelling! -  which is sometimes played at 
qep'a'.  This may be the usage you've heard of.

>I just found out about the verb {reH}.
>Does this have any special meaning? Does it include the ideas of {Quj} and 
>{SuD}, or is it different altogether, (e.g. You {reH} football or baseball?)

No.  {reH} seems to mean play in general - i.e. it's what children do - and 
also appears to be intransitive:

   reH puqpu'
   The children play. KGT

(Remember Kruge's line in ST3 about how charming he imagined living on a 
newly terraformed planet would be "with your wife at your side, your 
children playing at your feet, and the flag of the Federation fluttering 

So... children can play {reH} outside, and you can play {Quj} a specific 
game (i.e. football, baseball, poker, chess, klin zha, etc.).  Some games 
{Qujmey} (e.g. poker) require you to gamble {SuD}, while others (e.g. tag) 
require you to run {qet}, etc.

N.B. a different verb {chu'} means "play a musical instrument".

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

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