tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jul 04 15:30:24 2003

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Re: Plead for the Dead

Thanks for looking at that prayer for me, SuStel!  One thing (as always :P):  I used the word /no'/ instead of /Heghpu'wI'/ because of the surrounding information given in that perticular episode of Voyager.  Before they began the prayer, they placed a heavy emphasis on it being their ancestors of whom they must honor.  Not just any who have died, but those of our bloodline.  Plus, because you're trying to pray for a personal friend/relative, I thought ancestors would be appropriate.  Thanks for your help!

David Trimboli <[email protected]> wrote:From: "Klingon Warrior" 
> no'vaD qoy'

I'd use the verb /tlhob/ "request, ask, plead" instead of /qoy'/ "plead,
beg." The latter sounds like a pitiful thing to do, whereas the former may
be done with dignity. I can't see Klingons thinking of "begging" as

/no'/ is "ancestors," not "the dead." You want /Heghpu'wI'/ "those who have

This is another example of putting a Type 5 suffix on the first noun of a
noun-noun construction. As per TKD section 3.4, you're not allowed to do

There's also a semantic uncertainty here. What in English is an indirect
object is, in Klingon, usually expressed as a beneficiary. But this means
Klingon can't distinguish between pleading "for the dead" and pleading "to
the dead." Just wanted to alert you to that.

I'd make the title

Heghpu'wI''vaD tlhoblu'
One pleads for the dead.

(And this might be misinterpreted as "One pleads with the dead."

> qeylIS -
> (1)ponglIjvaD Heghta'bogh SuvwI'pu' tIqaw 'e' wIqoy'.

Again, I'd replace /qoy'/ with /tlhob/, but there's nothing ungrammatical
with your sentence!

> (2)Seng DISvo' tIpep

I suppose "trouble cave" is as good a replacement as any.

> 'ej chaHvaD yI'ang'egh 'ej batlhlIj naQ yI'ang.

You're not describing his honor ("whole"), you're talking about how much of
his honor ("all of it").

'ej batlhlIj Hoch yI'ang
And reveal all your honor.

> (3)*qolatlh* *omar* puqloD yIqaw.
> (4)*tal'Itlh* *qeyrIyn* puqbe' yIqaw.
> (5)__________ ____________ puqloD/puqbe' yIqaw.


Stardate 3506.7

Klingon Warrior
taHjaj wo'!

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