tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jul 03 21:26:52 2003

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Plead for the Dead

Plead for the Dead
A translation by ME! (Klingon Warrior)  :)
A while back I saw on ST: Voyager (<= boy I hated that show!) that episode "Prophecy."  Well, in the episode an old Klingon says a prayer that he refers to as the "Plead for the Dead."  I translated this prayer and hope you approve of my translation.  Now, I know that in the archives are many of the phrases, songs, chants, and even prayers from ST that have already been translated...if anyone has this prayer already translated, I'd like you to see how well I did.  Remember, this prayer is suppose to include the name of a family member who's dead...I'll represent this section of the prayer with a blank line.  The English translation is also below...Hope ya like it!!  :)
no'vaD qoy'
qeylIS - 
(1)ponglIjvaD Heghta'bogh SuvwI'pu' tIqaw 'e' wIqoy'.
(2)Seng DISvo' tIpep 'ej chaHvaD yI'ang'egh 'ej batlhlIj naQ yI'ang.
(3)*qolatlh* *omar* puqloD yIqaw.
(4)*tal'Itlh* *qeyrIyn* puqbe' yIqaw.
(5)__________   ____________   puqloD/puqbe' yIqaw.
Plead for the Dead
Kahless - 
(1)We implore you to remember those warriors who have fallen in your name.
(2)Lift them out of the cavern of despair, and reveal yourself to them and all your glory.
(3)Remember *Kolax*, son of *Omar*.
(4)Remember *Talishz*, daughter of *Kah'reen*.
(5)Remember _________, son/daughter of _________.

Klingon Warrior
taHjaj wo'!

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