tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jan 27 14:13:08 2003

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KLBC mu'vam tu'lu''a'?

qech rap luQumbogh, 'ej wab rap lughajbogh cha' mu' vIghaj.
wot 'oH wa' mu''e', 'ej DIp 'oH latlh mu''e'.
(chovnatlh: wot "naD" *to commend*, DIp "naD" *commendation* je)

wanI'vam Delbogh mu' tu'lu''a'?

     wab rap lughajbogh, 'ach qechmey pIm Qumbogh mu'mey vIDelbe'!
     chovnatlh: wot " Hu' " *to get up*, DIp " Hu' " *days ago*)

mu'tlheghmeywIj tIchov!

*My situation:
     I have two words which communicate the same idea and have the same sound.
     One word is a verb and the other is a noun.
     (Example: The verb {naD}, "to commend", and the noun {naD}, "commendation")

     Is there a word that describes this event?

     I am not describing words which have the same sound, but communicate different
    Example: The verb {Hu'} "to get up", and the noun {Hu'}, "days ago")
Evaluate my sentences!*

HovpoH 699594.5

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