tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jan 26 23:17:26 2003

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Re: Klingon WOTD: quv (n)

ja' Voragh:
>To test my idea that {batlh} is more inclusive, and probably subsumes,
>{quv} I'd like to ask Maltz whether the following makes any sense:
>   ? batlh potlh law' quv potlh puS.
>     <batlh> is more important than <quv>.
>or would he consider it to be utter nonsense.

I can't speak for Maltz (though he is a friend of mine, or at least vice
versa).  But as far as filmed evidence, Worf's acceptance of
discommendation for the sake of the Empire would seem to validate your
proposal.  Honor (in general) is more important than (personal) honor.

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