tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jan 21 11:30:53 2003

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Re: Klingon WOTD: quv (n)

Mi'Ha' asks:

>I know the adv is <batlh> but is it or <quv> used as a verb?

{batlh} is the adverb "honored, with honor, honorably, in an honorable 
{batlhHa'} is the adverb "dishonorably".

{quv} is the verb (quality) "be honored, be honorable".
{quvHa'} is the verb (quality) "be dishonored".

{quvmoH} is the transitive verb "honor (someone)".
{quvHa'moH} is the transitive verb "dishonor (someone)".

{batlh} and {quv} are the nouns "honor".
{quvHa'ghach} is the noun "dishonor".

>Is there any difference in the 'strength' of the concepts, (is one term 
>more 'Honorable' than the other?

No doubt there is and I'm sure that Klingon warriors can discuss the 
differences in detail, but unfortunately Okrand hasn't done so AFAIK.

As to the *nouns* {batlh} and {quv}... although they certainly overlap in 
use, my feeling is that {batlh} tends to be a more general, all-inclusive 
term (i.e. the idea of Klingon Honor with a capital H), whereas {quv} tends 
to be used in matters relating to one's personal honor or reputation (i.e. 
the idea of "face").

A couple of sentences illustrates this difference:

   quvwIj DatIchpu', tera'ngan.
   [You have insulted my honor, Terran.] PK

   tlhIngan quv DatIchDI' Seng yIghuH
   When you insult a Klingon's honor, prepare for trouble. TKW

   batlhHa' vanglu'taHvIS quv chavbe'lu'
   One does not achieve honor while acting dishonorably. TKW

... though there are certainly contradictory examples out there.  E.g.:

   batlh potlh law' yIn potlh puS
   Honor is more important than life. TKW

   batlh qelDI' tlhIngan, lumbe'
   A Klingon does not postpone a matter of honor. TKW

{quv} would have worked in these as well if I'm right that {quv} implies 
personal honor, especially in the last example.

I'm sure others have their own views.

[You know, we really should put a summary of this discussion, with 
examples, in the FAQ since it comes up so often.]

Voragh                            "Damage control is easy. Reading Klingon 
- that's
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons      hard!"                  (Montgomery 
Scott, STIV)

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