tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jan 09 17:11:36 2003

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Re: [KLBC] De'wI'wIj

On Thu, 9 Jan 2003, James Copeman wrote:
> veQDuj 'oH De'wI'wIj'e'. pIj vagh tupmey Hegh Qu'Homqoq QaplawtaHvIS ('e').
> vImuSbej!

"MY computer is a garbage scow."

"Often five minutes all over, I certainly hate that it dies while it seems
to be operating."

Notes: You missed the ' in the { -law' } suffix (should be { Qaplaw'taHvIS
}. Also, you don't need { -mey } in the phrase { vagh tupmey }.  The fact
that you're supply a number, { vagh } implicitly means the noun is plural.
Klingon doesn't (usually) require specific notation of plurality if it's
obvious from context.

> Could you check the above for me, I'm not sure about the 2nd sentence and
> the use of the bracketed ['e']. It took me a while to compose but I am
> REALLY trying to get the hang of this. Could someone explain Sentence as
> Object for me? I don't get the explanation in TKD.

Actually, you're using the sentence marker { 'e' } correctly here.  Your
main verb is { vImuS } "I hate it" and the object of your hatred is the
statement that your computer dies.

However, I don't think you should be using { Hegh } "die" for this.  The
machine doesn't have a life, per se, and the English use of "die" in this
case is really idiomatic.  It might be more correct (and actually simpler)
to say:

pIj QapHa'law' De'wI'wIj 'e' vImuSbej
"I hate that my computer often seems to malfunction."
"Often my computer seems to malfunction.  I hate that."

Note that there is a subtle distinction between this and:

QapHa'law'mo' De'wI'wIj vImuSbej
"I hate my computer because it seems to malfunction."

One thing I'm not certain is how to convey the English phrase "for five
minutes at a time," which is what I think you were trying to say with {
vagh tupmey }  I'll leave that to a real KLBC expert type to help with.


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