tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Feb 26 09:05:05 2003

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Re: Klingon WOTD: naD tetlh (n)

>This is the Klingon Word Of The Day for Wednesday, February 26, 2003.
>Klingon word:   naD tetlh
>Part of Speech: noun
>Definition:     Commendation List
>Additional Notes: KGT.

   For example, in the ceremony to induct new members into the Order of
   the Bat'leth ({betleH 'obe'}), the highest honor that the government
   bestows on a Klingon, the presiding official, usually the leader of
   the Klingon High Council, first reads a name from the {naD tetlh}
   ("Commendation List"), always calling out the inductee's name in the
   most formal way (given name plus father's name, such as {tI'vIS barot
   puqloD} [T'vis, son of Barot]). The inductee approaches, and the
   official says - with no variation - {pInaDqu' tuqlIj wInaDqu' je}
   ("Glory to you and your house"; literally, "We praise you highly; we
   also praise your house highly"). (KGT, 182)

   Thus, one would usually say {naD tetlh gher} "he/she compiles the
   Commendation List" or "he/she writes the Commendation List".
   (MO on st.klingon)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

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