tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Feb 20 08:30:21 2003

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Re: QongDaqDaq

From: "qurgh" <[email protected]>
> You answered my question perfectly.
> I guess when I look at:
> tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhlaHbe' 'e' tob SuStel!
> I see:
> SuStel proves/is proving/will prove blah blah blah
> and not:
> SuStel proved that blah blah blah
> My mind doesn't see any tense at all in the setance, it just makes it a
> general something that is/has/will occur but doesn't tie it down to any
> particular time. Hence the reason I over use the aspect markers.

It doesn't HAVE tense.  Time is determined purely by context, of which this
sentence has none.

> I was always told not to start a sentance with 'and', or any conjunction
> for that matter.

This is pretty much an arbitrary rule for English so far as I can see, much
like the rule that you're not allowed to split infinitives.  Tell it to
biblical translators.

I see no reason to assume that Klingon can't use sentence conjunctions at
the beginning of sentences, especially when there are previous sentences in
the utterance.

> I guess I could use 'oH in there instead, and make the 'that' an 'it'
> tlhIngan Hol jatlh Qanqor 'ej 'oH vISov!
> Krankor speaks Klingon and I know it!

No.  /'oH/ is not the right pronoun.  /'e'/ is used for that.

/'oH/ MIGHT be substituting for /ngoDvam/ or something, but don't delude
yourself: you're using the wrong tool.  Don't try to justify yourself out of
having to learn how to use it!

> Kosher, smosher... I want to get the meaning across, not worry about
> semantics :) but I get the idea.

Until you can get your meaning across grammatically, you're speaking a
Klingon-like language, not Klingon.

Stardate 3139.2

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